Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ayn Rand Institute's Yearly Read and Write

Writing Prompt: Why is life expectancy so short in the main character's society?
How much should you write? Between 600 and 1200 words
Prizes: 236 prizes between $30 and $2000
Entry Deadline: March 20, 2009
Entry Fee: Free, but you must read the book Anthem, by Ayn Rand.
Ages: 8th through 10th grade
Website: The Ayn Rand Institute

1 comment:

DeeAnne said...

Hey Megan!

I just checked out your blog. Great idea! I was a teacher for five years, and I think your prompts are great.

Yeah, stop by the deli. We would love to have you.

Don't forget to introduce yourself when you come in.

DeeAnne (AKA Rubber Turkey)