Saturday, November 1, 2008

Texas Book Festival!

All good writers read. A LOT. Instead, of posting a contest, I am going to encourage you to go to the Texas Book Festival. There are authors every hour at the Capitol in downtown Austin. There is a Cookbook Tent, a Children's Tent, and authors speaking on multiple subjects. Today was a reminder to me of how lucky I am that I moved to Austin. Tomorrow is going to be even better! Go to the Texas Book Festival. And write me a note about how much you LOVED it!

Website: Texas Book Festival


? said...

I wish one was close to Austin. I love book fairs. So, I'll say it again: I love books. You are a book person and I love learning from book people or even book festival people:)

Best Teacher EVER said...

I tried to post on your blog, but it is full!!! I am ready to see what happens in your story! And yes! I am excited for be a part of something so creative. I am so glad to have a few readers (other than my dad!) I plan to tell more teachers about my blog once I make sure that I am keeping up!